Gestinet Cloud Monitoring: 100% Control, optimization and security in real time
The Cloud services we offer from Gestinet are managed by our professional team with a long experience in this technology and in all types of monitoring projects, all of them consolidated during all of our projects that have been carried out with this powerful and efficient solution.
This technology and product designed by Gestinet includes the following:
- Server and NAS real-time monitoritzation.
- Revisions, warnings, and notifications in order to solve and prevent computer incidents.
- Status control, sanitation, and resources of the monitored and computerized environment.
- Real-time problem detection, errors, over-consumption, heating, etc.
The Gestinet Cloud Monitoring service is only implemented on companies that have a valid and updated computer maintenance contract with our business, because otherwise, the implementation or management of it with maximum guarantees and responsibilities is not viable.
The procedure regarding detected incidents with this service from our experts is that when an anomaly is detected and/or a possible future incidence or warning is notified about, Gestinet will notify the technician assigned to the computer maintenance service so that they can value the severity of the warning and the type of response to be performed in each case.
The Gestinet Cloud Monitoring service is included in the Computer maintenance service’s cost which has been previously included in the contract, causing it to not have an explicit cost, but it’s integrated and/or absorbed in the current Computer maintenance contract from the client.
The validity and duration of this service is the same as the Computer maintenance contract which had been previously hired, as it’s directly and exclusively linked to this service.
The fixed consumption time for the monitoring of each device is of two hours per month, which computes with the delivery of the receipt and consumption with the current Computer maintenance contract.
At Gestinet we give maximum priority to the security and optimization of the computer infrastructure of each client, reason why we recommend our Gestinet Cloud Monitoring service which offers maximum guarantees and security to each monitored item, offering at all times the control, optimization, and monitoring of the state of the most important and critical resources of each element, may they be servers or NAS devices.
As well as having an optimal Web design and a powerful Web positioning strategy, especially Google positioning, are vital for any company nowadays, having an excellent and reliable Cloud Service is also vital and necessary for any company nowadays and its short, medium, and long-term trajectory.
Real-time security and monitorization
The Gestinet Cloud Monitoring service offers a 100% comprehensive monitoring of each implemented element, real-time control, and possible optimization or any considerable improvements in security and reliability. This way we can detect the problem before it is generated and we can perform the prevention and improvement tasks, meaning that the end customer gets to save a lot of money, avoiding and preventing problems or any serious and traumatic incidents.
The objective is to prevent and avoid instead of suffering and resign
n some cases and thanks to our service, from our offices where we carry out this monitoring service, we have found a possible short-term incident, a problem and/or something that can affect the device, internally generating a management warning and urgent solution on the located incidence. Our IT technicians go to the client’s premises and work on it, or remotely if it can be more effective and faster. In short, the client could have encountered a serious computer problem and only found prevention and maintenance technical assistance. =)
Gestinet, your 360º partner with the best professional solutions

Our Cloud Monitoring articles

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