We are experts in Google Positioning since the beginning of the search engine
Our professional team analyzes and creates, in each case, a proposal and a tailored strategy about the SEO Google positioning service with the most appropriate On-page and Off-page strategies that best fit the needs of the client and their objectives. In each case we need to analyze and extract the most important potential queries to get positioned in Google in order to address the best strategy on these queries and in line with the optimization of the client’s website and all the proposed SEO Off-page facet.
The Googlebot robot and the Google positioning parameters have evolved and are still doing it constantly, which is why our specialists track their strategies, proposing improvements to improve performance. Obviously, in this field, no one can afford to stay behind and, in our case, Gestinet offers the best contrasted, consolidated and constantly evolving service to achieve in each moment, the most optimal results possible. In fact, our company has been a Google Partner for many years.
Like the Computer maintenance is vital to any company nowadays, its Google Positioning SEO strategy also forms part of something vital and necessary for its survival or otherwise, it can obviously have the days counted.
Our goal when creating a Google positioning strategy is to achieve the best possible results in generating potential and healthy traffic from Google with its tools and business lines such as Google Adwords, Google Shopping, Google Local Business, etc. In each case we use our resources, experience, and tools that we have been designing, developing and evolving for so many years and have given us success and reputation as Referring company to Google SEO positioning.
Our secret is to treat the Google Positioning SEO as a methodology and philosophy within our DNA, understanding and participating in these facets in Google, in short, being part of Google’ DNA. All of this is reflected in our web design and web positioning strategies, all the web optimizations we make, using our own methodology, using proven and current SEO strategies and techniques in Google at all times with maximum guarantees of success with no risks. We have never had a webpage being penalized and in every case we have made a Google positioning SEO strategy with the maximum guarantees in order to consolidate the established goals.
So, from Gestinet we understand that Google positioning is a way of understanding and doing things, a methodology that is constantly evolving and a philosophy that must be developed in each web design, optimization and project in this sense, always developing thinking of the Google methodology and the SEO positioning parameters, vital to the success of every project and consolidation of the SEO goals.
FAQs about
Google Positioning
What is Google Positioning?
Google positioning is a service that companies offer to their customers with the aim of naturally capturing potential traffic and turning it into customers through the Google search engine in order to highlight and make your website visible naturally within this search engine. This service is also called SEO.
Who needs Google positioning?
Any business, institution, service, product, or project that aims to have visibility and be known through Google, the most used search engine in the world, must have a SEO positioning strategy focused on this search engine to meet all its requirements.
What services does it include?
In order to achieve optimal positioning in Google, it is necessary to consider different services in order to meet all the requirements and parameters and optimize as much as possible the positioning strategy in this search engine. There are basically two outstanding facets, “Onpage” and “Offpage”. In both cases, it is always a matter of improving, enriching, and sanitizing the website’s structure and content, especially healthy and up-to-date content, and the other facet, getting relevant links in order to transfer and gain the necessary popularity and reputation.
Is the Google positioning service expensive?
An optimal Google positioning service is never an expense or a cost, but an investment for the client, as all the work developed in the SEO strategy remains as the heritage of the domain, which is its popularity and reputation on the internet. Obviously, the strategy must be carried out optimally and with maximum guarantees, or the repercussion may cause the opposite result which we are looking for in the Google search engine.
Who can position a web page on Google?
It is recommended that only trained, proven, and experienced providers develop Google SEO strategies, as otherwise the effect can be quite the opposite and even lead to severe penalties in the Google search engine, and this can be severely detrimental for the present and future of any web page in this search engine, as it can generate a large influx of traffic if the strategy is done correctly.
Google Adwords
We conduct self-managed advertising campaigns within the Google search engine and all its advertising channels. This is a system that allows you to manage and control expenses, the budget, and most importantly, that the customer only has to pay for the click made to their website. In the management of the advertising campaign a maximum budget is established, for example, 100 euros, and the words related to the promoted website are ‘bought’. This amount is consumed in relation to the clicks it receives until it is exhausted.
Yes, we recognize it, we are addicted and passionate about the Google search engine from the beginning and the constant improvement strategies which we have designed so that each client stands out in SEO Google Positioning too, evolving them through the time in order to improve and optimize results constantly. It goes without saying that we have many customers that are online business models and almost the only potential customer acquisition is via Google positioning, with the demand and pressure that this entails.
Gestinet, your 360º partner with the best professional solutions

Our Google Positioning articles

Com fer el millor posicionament web? Eviti penalitzacions de Google
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El millor mètode de posicionament a Google
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10 consells per a millorar el seu posicionament a Google
El posicionament Google és un dels principals objectius que ha de tenir una pàgina d’empresa, a causa que, si s’aconsegueix una bona posició, els afectes són molt positius, Leer más

Obtenir els millors resultats a Google: com treballar el posicionament web d’una empresa
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