Experts on professional web designs
Our professional team analyses and makes a custom proposal about the design, technology, model, and comercial strategy that best suits the needs of the client and project
Our goal when creating a web design is to transmit elegance, professionalism, and strength to the business, with the objective of generating a brand image and show that the business will always meet the standards of any client’s typology on the Internet. We always use commercial marketing techniques and strategies with the objective of generating conversions and attractment of potential customers.
Each of our web designs uses the right technological base to evolve and improve without limitation, together with a powerful serial SEO optimization in search engines, in other words, it’s optimal Web positioning, especially Google positioning and, of course, optimization to any kind of device such as mobile phones, tablets, etc.. 100% responsive and self-manageable!
As well as having an excellent service of Computer maintenance, it’s vital for any company nowadays, your website is also part of something vital and necessary or otherwise, it’d be out of date and out of the market.
FAQs about
Web Design
What is web design?
Web design is a service offered to those who want to expose themselves to the world through the Internet, which is the most used means of communication in the world, reaching to users from all over the world and thus informing, selling, communicating, or performing the website’s purpose.
Who needs a web design service?
All those people, companies, entities and institutions whose purpose is to make themselves known on the Internet, whether to sell a product, a service, communicate, inform, etc. Obviously, each web development must correspond to a need, objective, and purpose.
What services does it include?
It can include a wide variety of services, always depending on the kind of website to be developed, whether it is static information or a complex tailor-made website. In each case, the functions and requirements to be covered must be evaluated.
Is it expensive to develop a website?
There are many kinds of websites and different ways to develop them, from developing them from scratch with or without frameworks, developing with a CMS like WordPress or Joomla, to a developing them through a self-design tool, usually for simple and limited web pages. Prices depend on the kind of website to be developed and the technology/methodology used.
Who can offer this web design service?
Depending on the kind of website to be developed, one methodology or another is recommended, and it obviously also depends on which provider you pick, as all of them are specialized on a methodology and have a certain experience in the sector. Normally, if the goal is to develop an important website and not a standard or custom one, you will need an expert and experienced provider in this kind of web development. If you need a basic website, you may not even need to hire a provider, but an automated web layout tool.
Adaptive web design in every device
Responsive or adaptive design is a technique that looks for the correct visualization of the same page on different devices. From desktop computers to tablets and mobiles. Today we access websites from all kinds of devices; computer, tablet, smartphone… so, increasingly, we have the need for our website to adapt to the different screen sizes of these.
It’s about resizing and placing the elements of the web so that they adapt to the width of each device, allowing a correct visualization and a better user experience.
The art of converting visits into sales
At Gestinet, we are concerned when we have to consider the web design in order to promote and enhance conversions using all the resources to create effective and attractive Call to Action. We favor the conversion of visitors to customers, or the conversion of visits to sales.
The web conversion refers to the action that the user is expected to make when reaching a website. In some way, we could define it as the art of turning a visitor into a client or subscriber, or a buyer depending on the type of website.
Gestinet, your 360º partner with the best professional solutions

Our Web Design articles

Crear i dissenyar una pàgina web: imprescindible per a tenir presència digital i generar més vendes
“Si el teu negoci no està a internet, el teu negoci no existeix”. Aquesta frase la va dir Bill Gates en els anys 80. Encara que aleshores podia Leer más

Per què és important tenir un disseny web professional?
Una pàgina web és com la carta de presentació de les empreses. I la veritat és que és en el que ens fixem inicialment, fins i tot abans Leer más

Adaptar una pàgina web a tots els dispositius
Les xifres, cada vegada més, reflecteixen que els dispositius mòbils són els que més s’usen en l’actualitat, molt més que els ordinadors tradicionals, així que les consultes a Leer más