The key to a computer maintenance service is the experience and professionalism of your technical team and management system.
We offer a comprehensive face-to-face service remote assistance, monitoring and security in real time, and constant support. At Gestinet we only use our own qualified professional template..
From Gestinet, leading company in computer maintenance and IT services with a lot of experience in this sector, we have a large professional technical team in constant training with knowledge recycling that provides our clients better counseling and experience in order to advise and recommend in every moment and situation the best solution.
As well as having an optimal, elegant, and corporative Web design and a powerful Web positioning, especially Google positioning, are vital for any company nowadays, having an efficient and expert computer maintenance service with maximum guarantees of receiving a quick response to malfunctions is also vital and necessary in order to ensure the stability, reliability and computer security of any company, regardless of size.
Our computer maintenance service corresponds to constant, preventive, and resolute computer services with the aim of preventing and encouraging corrective actions. From Gestinet, we carry out the real-time monitoring of the servers and users in order to offer more and better control and security, giving a faster and a more effective response in each action and situation.
It’s important to note, especially in the outsourcing computer maintenance service, that all of Gestinet’s computer technicians are experimented professionals, fixed, localized in the actuation zones of our service, so that way de do not use the subcontracting modality and/or use freelance profiles because those modalities decrease the customer service and satisfaction. Therefore, Gestinet only uses a qualified own professional qualified workforce.
All of our computer maintenance customers have a powerful Extranet in the cloud in order to perform real-time management of this service, such as monitoring and controlling computer incidents, consultation of the computer maintenance service consumption, consultation of digital work bills by computer technicians, remote access, permits… Unique management platform in our sector and developed by our programming Dept.
From Gestinet we have one of the fastest response times in the sector on computer issues and any other computer problems that the client may encounter. Initially, by means of a remote response in order to be more efficient, fast, and effective. IF it’s not really possible, the next level is a face-to-face response from our technicians to the customer’s location.
In every computer maintenance modality we offer from Gestinet, one of the most important and sensitive aspects that our service manages and ensures is the correct execution of backups of data and systems of each client, offering various services as a complement and/or improvement of this security system that is so primordial, sensitive, and vital to any company. Comprehensive review of local backups, external backups or removable devices (LOPD), etc.
Our company has a professional computer technology team, specialized and with a lot of experience in the management of networks and high-level computer equipment on any platform: Windows, Mac, Linux… We are important and recognized clients and we carry out the integral management of their computer facilities on an ongoing basis. We have different of computer maintenance modes, customized to the needs and objectives of each client.
We are distributors of official and certified Partners of the best brands, solutions, and manufacturers of software and hardware on every level, such as Microsoft, Mac, Ubuntu, Google, Dell, HP, Cisco, etc…
FAQs about
Computer Maintenance
What is computer maintenance?
Computer maintenance is a global service for the management and comprehensive maintenance of the client’s technical infrastructure. It consists of: prevention, management, maintenance, and improvements within the service.
Who needs a computer maintenance service?
All those companies and institutions that have a computer infrastructure which requires maintenance, monitoring, security, and improvements, have the right profile to contract this kind of computer service which is fully involved and responsible.
What services does it include?
It includes a wide variety of services, always depending on the computer infrastructure of each client. The most common ones are: management, prevention, maintenance, safety protocols, and improvements to always ensure optimal performance.
Is computer maintenance expensive?
An optimal computer maintenance service is never an expense or a cost, but an investment for the customer, as this service avoids incidents and downtime of the customer’s activity and also provides value and improvements in many of the processes, not to mention the obviousness about data security and integrity.
Who can offer this computer service?
The computer maintenance service can only be offered by companies of a certain size and with a business model designed for this service, both in terms of experienced human team and professionalism, including all the resources needed and strength to be able to support it with maximum guarantees.
A face-to-face, monitored, and remote computer maintenance
Our IT technicians perform the services of computer maintenance, networking, and maintenance of computer components in the offices of the clients, along with monitoring of the systems and remote response. At Gestinet, we know and we are aware of the importance of a good computer maintenance and of a reaction that is proactive and responsible, thus avoiding any possible security problems or any obstacles in an efficient management of all the resources of the network, servers, and users of each client.
We are the IT branch of our clients
At Gestinet we consider ourselves to be a very important and vital part of each client and this makes us be more demanding, proactive and non-conformist. We offer constant maintenance, repair and constant computer maintenance contracts on each client’s computer systems. We have many years of experience and an important customer portfolio achieved with the rigor and professionalism of the entire human team of Gestinet, which places us as a referent and leading company in our sector.
Gestinet, your 360º partner with the best professional solutions

Our Computer Maintenance articles

En què consisteixen els serveis de manteniment informàtic? Avantatges i beneficis
Avui dia, la tecnologia és part fonamental de qualsevol empresa o negoci. La majoria de les activitats diàries es fan a través de sistemes informàtics i, per tant, Leer más

Manteniment i suport informàtic per a protegir de ciberatacs a empreses
Gràcies al manteniment informàtic, s’obté la millor protecció enfront de ciberatacs, ja que es tracta d’un suport professional que adopta les mesures necessàries per a fer-los front. Qualsevol Leer más

Controlar el seu negoci gràcies als serveis informàtics per a empreses
Si és autònom o directiu d’una empresa, tenir sota control i adquirir la major seguretat digital, especialment en l’àmbit de la informàtica, han de ser alguns dels seus Leer más

Manteniment de sistemes informàtics per a empreses
Avui dia, els sistemes informàtics són presents en totes les empreses, tant per a gestionar la seva organització com per a proporcionar els seus serveis. Això obliga les Leer más