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    From Gestinet, the goal of any strategy on the Internet is always the results, the conversion,
    focusing all of the resources on extracting the best results and raising the conversion rate.

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    The maximum performance in each strategy on the internet through web analytics

    Our professional team analyzes and prepares in each case a tailor-made proposal on the strategy to follow based on the pretensions and possibilities of each client, and in all cases, from Gestinet, we carry out the tracking/analysis on the results of this on the internet.

    From Gestinet we use Google Analytics as a web analytics tool, tool, previously installed in the client’s domain. Google Analytics realizes the tracking/analyzing traffic to the domain that is carried out, either with SEO strategies (natural web positioning) com SEM (web positioning sponsored via pay per click – PPC).

    With Google Analytics you can perform real-time monitoring (analysis and tracking) of each strategy on the internet, which allows you to have more real and current information about the state and current results of your wbesite, a very important thing that allows you to review the evolution and react within the process of each current strategy, such as a powerful Google positioning strategy.

    Web analytics allows you to get this valuable information in real time and even open new fields, markets, and business lines marked by the tendencies and typology of traffic in the domain of each customer, for example, by contemplating the behavior of the traffic from countries other than the one in the initial strategy, which can allow your costumer to discover new business opportunities in this regard. Obviously, it’s very important to have a web design well optimized and parameterized by search engines and also have a powerful Google positioning SEO strategy.

    Just like an excellent Computer maintenance service is vital to any company nowadays, a good Internet and a web analytics strategy are also part of something vital and necessary for its survival, capture new potential customers and have a presence and relevance on the internet.

    Web analytics
    Web analytics

    New markets and potential customers thanks to web analytics

    In many cases, from Gestinet, we have detected an interest from a part of a specific group of users or users from a country other than the client’s initial market and this has led to a rethinking of the strategy in order to contemplate and enhance this trend and get new and better results focused on this information achieved through web analytics.

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    Information is power

    That’s right, and thanks to web analytics we get real-time information about the traffic of a domain, user typology, usability, navigation time, navigation path, device type , etc… All this allows us to analyze almost perfectly the success in each strategy on the internet and, obviously, it also allows us to adapt and improve it in each case. For example, in many cases, from Gestinet, we have detected that most of the traffic in a client’s domain comes from mobile devices, in some cases our professional and advisory team can recommend making a strategy focused on this group, via Improvements in domain usability for mobile, creation of APPs, etc…

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    Gestinet, your 360º partner with the best professional solutions

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    Our Web Analytics articles

    posicionament web

    Posicionament de pàgines web: Com millorar la seva presència on-line amb estratègies SEO

    En el món digital actual, el posicionament web és un aspecte clau per a l’èxit on-line de qualsevol negoci. La presència on-line d’una empresa s’ha tornat essencial per Leer más

    posicionament web

    Per què tenir un Blog per a millorar el posicionament web d’una pàgina

    El Blog és un element clau per a posicionar una pàgina web en el rànquing de resultats i aconseguir estar en les primeres posicions dels principals cercadors, especialment Leer más

    posicionament web

    Especialistes en posicionament web perquè la seva pàgina sigui més visible a internet

    El posicionament web és una disciplina determinant en l’actualitat, capaç d’atreure el públic objectiu a una pàgina. Els encarregats de dur-ho a terme, doncs, i realitzar totes les Leer más

    posicionament web

    SEO orgànic o posicionament de pagament?

    No importa el tipus d’empresa que sigui, del sector o quins serveis s’ofereixin. El més important és tenir la major visibilitat web i que una pàgina sigui el Leer más


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