SEO content generation, specific for every client and sector
Our professional team, expert in SEO content generation, offers you new, healthy, and rich content based on each client, strategy, sector/theme, based on where it should go, web design, social networks, blog, static content in web pages, etc. In each case we analyze the purpose and objectives which need to be fulfilled, performing different formats and content compositions: more literary, more visual, SEO optimized, Google positioned… always following the strategy which we have initially agreed and that best fits the needs of each client.
At Gestinet we are sure that content is the key to success in a SEO Google Positioning strategy, it adds dynamism and popularity to the domain as long as it is well written, cared for, and created in its entirety in an original and customized way. In addition, in the case of providing content to a web page (blog or web structure), the impact that it could cause can increase and expand the web structure and content of the domain, which benefits the SEO strategy very positively.
Depending on where each content should be placed, important factors such as the treatment, commercial impact, brand image, etc. should be taken into account. For example, when content is being prepared for social networks such as Facebook or Twitter, normally the deal must be closer and more direct, with clear and well-worked images. On the other hand, for Instagram, from Gestinet, we recommend using a dynamic content that is more visual, impulsive, and intense, the kind that normally happens through the collaboration with the internal personnel of the same client to achieve the intensity and balance between impact and be constant.
Just like computer maintenance is vital for any company today, a good generation of SEO content is also part of something vital and necessary for its survival.
At Gestinet we are sure that the generation of SEO content is the key to the success of any strategy of web positioning, which contributes to dynamism and popularity to the domain, as long as it is well-written, carefully and completely created in an original and customized way. In addition, in the case of contributing content to a web page (blog or web structure), the impact is that it increases and expands the web structure and content of the domain, which benefits the SEO strategy very positively.
Structured SEO content generation
It has to be taken into account that every day up to 1.6 million articles are published to, this gives an idea of the importance of having a well-structured redaction done with the necessary techniques to position itself for certain keywords. This is where the importance of getting a SEO content generation that takes into account all the necessary features of this kind of redaction and thought of the goal of web positioning that you desire. The control of the descriptions that appear in the search engines, control of the titles and meta tags, a coherent structure and other techniques that favor a good understanding of texts by browsers, always in line with the objectives of web positioning established.
And why is content in an SEO strategy so important?
Very simple, Google prioritizes above everything current, updated, original, and updated results when its users are searching for something… So here is the answer, the thing that Google does is think about what its users need, clear and current information about what is consulted. For this reason Google has been constantly rewarding and prioritizing the web pages and channels that generate this kind of content, it’s a prize to the effort and investment of resources and time.
Gestinet, your 360º partner with the best professional solutions


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