At Gestinet we make Branding as a brand potentiation and strategy
Branding encompasses naming, symbolism, creation of a logo, slogans, style book design, brand strategy, the concept and philosophy of this, targeting and segmentation of the potential customer and of the market, Web design… Our team of professionals analyzes and designs, in each case, a strategy and concept that must convey the corporate image of your company using the best techniques, methodology and tools available.
As well as having an excellent Computer maintenance, service, a powerful Web design, a SEO Web positioning strategy, especially Google Positioning that is vital to any company nowadays, having a strong brand image also forms part of something vital and necessary, or otherwise, it’s out of date and out of the market.
Branding is all that gives value and power to the image of your company, and in Gestinet we are experts in the creation of strategies in this regard, always adjusting to the needs and viability of each client because we have to develop a methodology and different techniques for each client.
Initial Branding or brand renovation
Your brand must be alive and evolve along with the changes in society and of your competition. At Gestinet, we offer strategies based on branding from 0 or a restyling of your brand due to a relaunch, recovery of a lost trademark, or as a way of “Carving with the past” in order to improve the reputation and values of your brand in the minds of your consumers.
The trust of your costumers
The development of a solid brand supported by well-defined values in the communication strategy allows it to transmit a solid and close image to the customers. Good brand development facilitates emotional connection with your customers. The capability of this connection regarding your brand will be directly related to the loyalty of your customers. The development of a communication and loyalty plan based on branding which conveys confidence and adjusts to the needs of its customers, improving the relationship between its audience and its products or services.
Gestinet, your 360º partner with the best professional solutions

Our Branding articles

Crear i dissenyar una pàgina web: imprescindible per a tenir presència digital i generar més vendes
“Si el teu negoci no està a internet, el teu negoci no existeix”. Aquesta frase la va dir Bill Gates en els anys 80. Encara que aleshores podia Leer más

Per què és important tenir un disseny web professional?
Una pàgina web és com la carta de presentació de les empreses. I la veritat és que és en el que ens fixem inicialment, fins i tot abans Leer más

Adaptar una pàgina web a tots els dispositius
Les xifres, cada vegada més, reflecteixen que els dispositius mòbils són els que més s’usen en l’actualitat, molt més que els ordinadors tradicionals, així que les consultes a Leer más

Com incrementar les vendes on-line gràcies al disseny web
Compte amb una botiga digital, però les seves vendes no són massa elevades? No obté vendes ni altres conversions?, Els usuaris marxen ràpidament de la seva pàgina? Si Leer más