Without permanence, small print or hidden requirements, our loyalty with the client is based solely on the quality and reliability of the service, and our team’s support.
Our technicians are 3CX certified, which is one of the most powerful and recognized solutions in virtual IP voice PBX, but we can also offer other IP voice solutions with virtual PBXs in Asterisk code. In each case, we value the best option and benefits for the needs and objectives of the end customer.

The 3CX voice IP cloud switchboard allows us to work without hardware in the event that the customer does not want to make an investment in terminals, which makes this option economically interesting.
With an easy, safe, and stable application, we can turn your PC and your mobile device into an extension which will not require maintenance or updates, unlike physical switchboards.
– Easy-to-use solution without the need for a dedicated client.
– Share files and images.
– Advanced online classroom functionalities.
– Real-time survey functionality.
– Share your desktop and control remotely.
Web Client and Status:
– Convert your client’s PC into your communications hub.
– Quickly view who currently is in the office and who is elsewhere.
– Eliminate the cost of voicemail.
– Avoid unnecessary transfers.
Mobile Apps:
– Use your extension anywhere.
– Check the status of your colleagues.
– Chat using instant messaging.
– Access web conferences by phone.
Instant messaging:
– Send text messages, links and more at no additional cost.
– Available via Web, Mac, Windows, iOS and Android APP.
– Lets you get in touch with colleagues while working from home, staying connected.
In addition, our technicians can configure different permissions according to your needs, we can configure “administrator access only” permissions, for example.
You can tell us the group for which you want to configure the permissions of the extensions and the role that the extension must have within that group.
The permissions available for each extension are:
- 1- View group members – Allows the user to see the presence of all group members.
- 2- View group calls – Allows the user to see calls made by group members.
- 3- Show presence to group members – Shows the user’s presence to group members.
- 4- Show calls to group members – Shows user calls to group members.
- 5- Perform operations (divert, transfer, take) on any active call from group members.
- 6- Interrupt, listen and speak – You can enter without permission the calls made by the members of the group.
- 7- Intercom – Allows the user to intercommunicate with other extensions.
- 8- Put calls on hold – Allows the user to put calls on hold, allowing other users to take them.
- 9- Control IVR – Allows the user to control the IVR.
- 10- Manage the company phone book – It allows the user to add / edit / delete contacts from the Company Phone Book through the 3CX Apps.
- 11- Receptionist operations – Allows the user to set status, reminders (wake-up call) and log in or out of Call Queues.
- 12- View the group recordings (PRO +) – you can download and listen to the group recordings.
New technologies allow us to remotely configure, install and program your SIP Trunk in our cloud switchboards.
In our Virtual IP PBX or SIP Trunk solutions, we include a new or ported DDI geographic number in case you want to keep your current number for free. However, our clients can request as many DDIs as they wish from any geographical point, for example, if they wish to have a number with the prefix 91, or 96, or 93, they only have to request it.
Some of the functions of our online switchboards and the 3CX cloud switchboard PBX.
– Transfer of calls to any fixed or mobile extension.
– Time control, from Monday to Friday, holidays, weekends, summer time…. the customer decides how he wants to configure his PBX and can change it whenever he wants.
– Voicemail, welcome message, hunt groups, call queues, user control …
As a customer of our 3CX virtual PBX you can do all of this and much more.
It includes an integrated videoconferencing solution, IOS and Android apps for mobile, live chat, Facebook integration, are some of its functions.
Whether in the office, at home or on the road.
What’s more, the 3CX Browser Extension for Google Chrome allows you to make and receive calls directly from your browser without the need to open the web client as a tab, or not even have your browser active. Make calls from the tab you are working on.
Gestinet, your 360º partner with the best professional solutions

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