Gestinet is listed in the CNMC Registry of Communications Operators, which is why we offer our clients Mobile and Landline telephony services nationwide.
We have different options in rates and conditions for our clients, with different coverage, according to their needs and requirements to cover in each case.
If you want to reduce your mobile and fixed telephony bill, without sacrificing quality and you need to maintain the coverage of your current operator, you can now change your provider and come to Gestinet, we will offer you the best rates on the market.
- 1- Gestinet Movistar mobile coverage.
- 2- Gestinet Orange mobile coverage.
- 3- Gestinet Vodafone mobile coverage.
- 4- Gestinet Yoigo mobile coverage.
Our success in this sector is to offer the customer what they need in a personalized way without overpaying or giving up any type of provision and quality of service. In addition, we do not have permanence as a requirement, since our motto is to retain our customers without ties. If the solution that we initially developed does not offer the benefits expected by the client, we can make it so the client can change of operator and/or mobile rate, without this management entailing an additional cost for the client.
We have various rates and conditions so that your landline can make calls to different destinations. If a client has different locations and different fixed lines, we have the multi-site solution, the perfect solution for this casuistry.
Fixed telephony nowadays has total mobility according to the client’s needs, subject to: a mobile SIM, a physical telephone, a switchboard, a DDI, etc. Whatever the case may be, we know how to manage it, and we have experience in this regard.
Our letter of introduction is to provide the best national coverage at the level of telephone services to our clients, and all our services in a single invoice to facilitate and unify client/supplier procedures.
Find out without fees about or mobile phone rates
We have several options according to destinations, calls and minutes. If you need to make international calls or roaming, all our mobile rates include it. If you want to include a country such as the USA in your list of countries available for your telephony, Gestinet provides this function without problems. Unlike conventional operators, our rates are personalized and we can design them with different packs of minutes, they do not always have to be unlimited calls if the mobile line does not require it, as well as the GB of data on mobile lines, which can range from 1GB up to unlimited.
Do not run out of coverage on any device
If, in addition to the data on your mobile number, you need data cards for other terminals, we can also provide them, as well as Multisim cards to share data with other devices. Our SIM cards are activated at the time that the customer tells us. We deliver them to their homes so that our clients are not left without service and we provide a replacement so that they can activate it immediately if required in the case of theft, loss or SIM failure. This service has no cost. We also provide the SIMs according to the terminal model, Gestinet SIMs are white branded and are designed with the cutout so they can be inserted into any phone model.
Gestinet, your 360º partner with the best professional solutions

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