The best strategy on the Internet is the one that fosters and strengthens the online popularity and reputation
At Gestinet we always recommend and believe in the need to invest in a rational and controlled way on the internet, but above all this investment has to affect the best possible Internet asset in our client’s assets, his online popularity and reputation, be it a domain, profile on social networks, etc…
If a good Web positioning SEO strategy is applied to a domain, with an optimized Web design for its optimum Google positioning, all the repercussions and popularity will affect this one regardless of the provider that manages it, which remains as a patrimony of the domain as long as this effect is not reversed, of course, just like a profile of a social network. The more active you are and the more followers you have, the more impact you will get or cause, temporarily being in your profile as long as you continue doing things well. This online popularity and reputation is a very important asset and represents the public image of that product/service/person on the internet, one of the most powerful commercial tools that exist today.
Just like Computer maintenance is vital to any company nowadays, its online popularity and reputation is also part of something vital and necessary for its survival or otherwise, it will have the days counted.
Our professional team has many years of experience in creating and managing online popularity and reputation, with the development of custom-made strategies, both as domains and profiles in social networks and of other channels and communities.
We have made custom-made strategies focused on a particular channel and/or community, such as Tripadvisor, Google Local Business, etc. In each case, we must address a specific role and directives to ensure success and that this management contributes to the expected result through the tools available in each channel. It’s not recommended to use a single methodology for all means and channels online.
Just like in life itself, if you get good reputation and popularity in the sector and activity you develop, it has a direct impact on your business. This is extrapolated and amplified by the means that is the Internet, causing the effect to be multiplied and impact with much more strength and forcefulness.
The power to influence and generate tendencies
When someone manages to be listened and followed, for example, in a social network, what he manages to influence is what he explains, exposes, and suggests to his followers, and the more he influences and is heard, the more and the better influence he will generate on them. From here, this role of “influencing” can bring many good results and success if managed correctly, with authority, security, and knowledge. We need to know how to convey the perfect balance between selling and advising to obtain this powerful commercial hybrid.
At Gestinet we are pioneers in the “gurulization”
This is a customized technique and strategy around the creation of a leading online public figure/guru/mentor (usually a person) about an activity/subject/sector. This makes the users generate a relationship and a feeling of respect and confidence towards them and everything that he exposes, explains, and proposes, obtaining thanks to his knowledge, experiences and ways of transmitting them to sell his product and/or service. In this way, we achieve that this product/service has a perfect ambassador that empowers it and the users/followers have the feeling that what they understand/acquired has been recommended and advised by someone skilled in this topic.
Gestinet, your 360º partner with the best professional solutions

Our Online Popularity and Reputation articles

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