If you have something to say interesting and users say, the Newsletters
is a very powerful system
At Gestinet we do not recommend the massive and indiscriminate use of Newsletter, delivery platforms , on the contrary, we recommend 100% rational use but taking advantage of the full potential of this system, to reach users through such a powerful medium how is email Above all, what marks the success of an email marketing campaign is the quality of the users subscribed to the mailing list and, obviously, the aesthetics and argument of what is sent.
As well as having an optimal Web design, a reliable Computer maintenance service and a powerful Web positioning strategy , especially Google Positioning , are vital to any company nowadays, getting a Newsletters sending channel with a conversion Optimum is a very powerful and necessary tool to reach potential customers when there is something interesting to say, such as relevant information, promotions, offers, discounts, etc…
We have demonstrated during many years of sending professional and commercial Newsletters to our customers, that if this shipment is done in a rational manner and with a powerful argument and aesthetics, that it likes and surprises the targeted user, the campaign and strategy end up having the expected results The final conversion will depend primarily on the product and / or service to be sold, its benefits and price.
In some cases, we have expressly achieved that the users of a company understand and enter the game to wait a day or twice a month, receiving a Newsletter with a promotion and / or specific offer for them. In this way, always depending on the product and / or that is offered to sell, it is achieved that the potential customer is faithful and keep a close eye on the strategies, promotions and offers that are designed with time, important fact which consolidates the global customer strategy.
From Gestinet, using all the most powerful and relevant on-line tools and platforms of each client, we unify all the channels and resources. In this regard, about each strategy designed, for example, when a new campaign and / or promotion is created, it is replicated to all the existing channels of the client, together with the sending of the corresponding Newsletter to give echo and proof to the campaign Then, users who receive the Newsletter get the information and if they are interested, wherever they access the customer’s on-line platforms, they will always find the campaign in a unified way so as not to dilute its effect and give the importance it deserves the marketing action in force.
In this way, we can unify a powerful graph and argument to all online customer assets, which reinforce the campaign and make it effective and successful.
Click on the users’ door only when you have something interesting to say …
E-mail marketing is a very powerful and effective tool whenever you know how to use and work correctly its strong and remarkable strengths that make it a powerful and effective system. A disproportionate use and without interesting arguments for the recipient users provoke the description of them and the exhaustion of a system that with its misuse will be of no use. On the other hand, with good strategy, aesthetics, business arguments and lists of healthy and active users, success is almost assured.
The classification of the mailing lists is important in order to reach the best possible way to each potential customer
Depending on each client and business model, from Gestinet we recommend the classification in different lists of users in order to have them classified according to the most interesting parameters in this regard. In case the users speak a language or another, if they are men or women, by age groups, type of consumer, etc … The more and the better the users are classified, the more and the better one can reach them with an effective argument and customized for them. It is not advisable to send a Newsletter in Spanish when the user is and speaks English, for example …
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