A big experience in the implementation of hardware and software solutions
At Gestinet we realize the implementation of any hardware and software in order to cover the specific necessities of every project and client. We are official distributors of many well-known and prestigious brands. ERP solutions, CRM, antivirus, and specific and specialized solutions on both at a server level and software level for any necessities and solutions.
More than 20 years of experience with the most prestigious brands in the computer sector help us provide even better solutions for every business need, new challenges and improvements.
At Gestinet we have a professional team which is expert on the assessoring and consulting that will realize the tracking that is needed in order to obtain the maximum performance both on a hardware and software level.
Like having Computer maintenance is vital to any company today, the right assessoring about investments in hardware and software are also very relevant as they directly affect the dynamics and projection of each company.
The best custom-made hardware solutions
We have a lot of experience in the assessoring and implementation of projects of all kinds and hardware platforms, with a large team of engineers, technicians and expert developers, ensuring in each project the implementation of the best technological solution to measure. At Gestinet we are Partners implementers of all types of hardware solutions of the most widely used and recognized brands and manufacturers, assuring us in each project their correct implementation and management.
The best custom-made hardware solutions
We have a large professional team experienced in consulting, advising and developing projects of all kinds in the field of software, both in its implementation and in the management and subsequent maintenance, with a large team of engineers, technicians and expert developers, ensuring the implementation of the best technological solution in each project.
Gestinet, your 360º partner with the best professional solutions

Our Hardware and software articles

En què consisteixen els serveis de manteniment informàtic? Avantatges i beneficis
Avui dia, la tecnologia és part fonamental de qualsevol empresa o negoci. La majoria de les activitats diàries es fan a través de sistemes informàtics i, per tant, Leer más

Manteniment i suport informàtic per a protegir de ciberatacs a empreses
Gràcies al manteniment informàtic, s’obté la millor protecció enfront de ciberatacs, ja que es tracta d’un suport professional que adopta les mesures necessàries per a fer-los front. Qualsevol Leer más

Controlar el seu negoci gràcies als serveis informàtics per a empreses
Si és autònom o directiu d’una empresa, tenir sota control i adquirir la major seguretat digital, especialment en l’àmbit de la informàtica, han de ser alguns dels seus Leer más

Manteniment de sistemes informàtics per a empreses
Avui dia, els sistemes informàtics són presents en totes les empreses, tant per a gestionar la seva organització com per a proporcionar els seus serveis. Això obliga les Leer más